3 gelatin silver fibre based photographs
selenium toned
charred rosewood frames
30 x 45 cms
edition of 5 + 1AP

Installation in OUT OF SIGHT at Working Dog Gallery, Curator Sandy Edwards 

Photo Credit  © Sally McInerney 2024

Artist Statement
Photographer Unknown is a series exploring lens based self-portraiture.The viewer witnesses the artist as both photographer and subject, at first contact with a wounded landscape within the Australian bushland.
2024 OUT OF SIGHT curated by Sandy Edwards, Working Dog Gallery, St Leonards NSW
2021 HERE/NOW, Orange Regional Art Gallery, Orange NSW
2020 Today I, Tomorrow You curated by Sam Dignand, Art Not Apart Festival, National Film and Sound Archive, Canberra ACT
2019 Here and Not Here curated Dr Andrew Frost, Cementa19 Contemporary Arts Festival, Kandos
Here and Not Here explores the contemporary condition of the regions through the work of artists who not only live there, but whose work focuses on the history and culture of regional places. Through the work of seven artists who live in the Mid West and Central West of NSW, the project looks at how history is under a constant state of erasure, from the changing environment, to the slow decay of historic sites and towns, to the slow forgetting of cultures, languages and place.
2020 Du Cann, C; Chapman, C; Inglenook, N; Robertson, E; Wheeler, S:(Editors) Dark Mountain #17 Spring Restoration Photographer Unknown Editorial viii; Sculpting in the Pyrocene: A Disappearing Act c2-3

Photographer Unknown #1

Photographer Unknown #2

Photographer Unknown #3