work in progress

video still from The Carousel of Invisibility

Artist Statement
In 2023 Julie Visible (Julie Williams) completed an Artist in Residency at the Muswellbrook Regional Art Centre. This Residency further researched and developed an exploration of the life of the Lady Bushranger, Jessie Hickman (1890-1936) commenced by Visible for her 2022 photography exhibition titled Smother which was exhibited in the Kandos Museum at the Cementa22 Art Festival in Kandos NSW. 
Across photography, video and installation, The Carousel of Invisibility pays homage to the solitary, camouflaged figure of Jessie Hickman via the reimagining of her stories; to explore identity, the mythology of bushranging and to expose the invisible history of women.
2025, Forthcoming Solo Exhibition, currently in progress, Muswellbrook Regional Art Centre